I was sane
Not exactly the way you thought me to be
I was different
Every day
Every hour
I was different
Sometimes sad
Sometimes happy
Sometimes trying to avoid everything
Sometimes trying to involve in everything
But I was different...
Not the same person I was
There was something new in me everyday, every week, every month, every year...
But you were too busy to notice
Then you blamed
I changed
Yes, I did!!
Because I am not perfect nor I am imperfect..
Everyday was a new discovery for me
New learning for me
I was growing to be a person I am becoming with a change..
With a new phase
I am here today changed
and I will change
No matter who notice and who not
would love to hear
"You changed"
Because I will constantly change and grow..
Growth means change,
Growth demands change,
And I am a change..
Not exactly the way you thought me to be
I was different
Every day
Every hour
I was different
Sometimes sad
Sometimes happy
Sometimes trying to avoid everything
Sometimes trying to involve in everything
But I was different...
Not the same person I was
There was something new in me everyday, every week, every month, every year...
But you were too busy to notice
Then you blamed
I changed
Yes, I did!!
Because I am not perfect nor I am imperfect..
Everyday was a new discovery for me
New learning for me
I was growing to be a person I am becoming with a change..
With a new phase
I am here today changed
and I will change
No matter who notice and who not
would love to hear
"You changed"
Because I will constantly change and grow..
Growth means change,
Growth demands change,
And I am a change..
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